
Oh Dear Me! At Last!

Well, after all the constant pushing and shoving from friends to get this blogg done, I've finally gotten around to actually doing it!

Well I have been extremely busy with both work and play I haven't stopped!! A couple of weeks ago I had my Ward Christmas Dinner and then this friday I have my other jobs Christmas Dinner!! It's at the Bombay Bicycle Club so it should be interesting considering that I haven't been there for some time and the fact that last time we went it was shit house!!! Well, apparently it has changed owners and now it is supposed to be better so I can return in all my glory!!!

Last Friday I completely forgot about a Birthday Dinner that I was supposed to go to! Doh!!! I only found out when one of the people messaged me to find out where I was!! Then I still didn't even click! Only 1/2 hr late so that is okay!!!

Well, still trying to finish off my Project Management Course! Only a couple of things to do with it and then I am done! Time to hand it up after this!!

Well, it's work again tomorrow and then Friday off and Saturday working a late shift and then Sunday off!! Yay!

I'm working all next week until Thursday and Friday off again! Then it is Christmas! Oh dear me!! I get to work Proclaimation Day Holiday and then working in my Help Desk role on the Wed-Friday. Then the next week after New Years I am having off!! Yay!!

Well, that's enough for now! I'm gonna have a coffee I think!!

1 comment:

FIGGS said...

YAH!!! i like it when you Blogg haha

well the Bombay Bicycle Club eh!!!

is that like..On ya bike mate