
Day After Australia Day

Well, it is Thursday and a new day! Had a lovely day yesterday with my Godsons Baptism. Very nice indeed, and then had lots to eat when we all got back to my Sisters! Well, I certainly felt it last night, too much crap to eat! Did manage to have a couple of lovely swims in the pool though!!

Today just another day at work! Finally finished a report that I was trying to finish last week. Got another report to do now! Oh my it never ends! Frustrating Information Tech people today! They are just annoying and never seem to want to take the ownership of the systems! I didn't bow down and let them do the technical specs.

Not sure what to do tonight, might pop out and smell the daisies, but of course, have a day off tomorrow. Gonna go to the Doc's and then probably visit my mum. Going out for tea on Friday night and then catching up with FF on Sat and Sunday working a late shift on the ward and then back to work on Monday!

Anyway, have fun!


A long week again!

Well, it's Wednesday evening and so far it has been a long week for me! Early starts (starting work at 730am) and then finishing around 4:30-5pm. Working at the Department of Health this week with other Consultants and the Project Board looking at submissions for a Clinical Nursing Information System. It's a long slogg! But unfortunately because I have signed a Confidentiality Agreement, I can't tell you anything about it! But it is very interesting, and lots of work and talking about the submissions. Quite high level work!!

Well, other than that I have just been coming home and going to bed early, went to bed at 930pm last night!

Will write more later in the week!


The end of a week!

Well, it is the end of a very busy week at work now and although I have today off, it feels like I really needed it! I've been working with other Systems Consultants and the Dept of Health in reviewing the submissions for a new Clinical Information System for Nurses. Very intense, all very secretive as we all had to sign a confidentiality contract and we can't talk about it outside of those who are doing the work!

I have been starting early and finishing late from work. Next week will be working all week from 830am - 5pm with the Dept of Health and Project Board to work out which submissions we will look at further! It's certainly a good experience to be doing this.

Soo much work and soo little time!

Well, today had some work done to my place by the Development Company and then tonight gonna pop over to a work colleagues place at 6pm to check out his computer setup and get some files that will be useful to copy movies to DVD.

Possibly catch up with another friend after this if all goes well!

Well, have a lovely weekend, I for my New Years Resolution, I hope to do more with my blogg and may even post some pictures! When I get the urge to do it!


Long time Coming!

Well, yes it has been a long time coming and I have finally done it and updated my Blogg! It's been a tragic Christmas and New Year for those who have been caught up in the Asia Tsunami. My thoughts are with those and my support to the Red Cross who have been asking for donations and helping out thos poor people. But like all disasters there have been stories of hope and survival!

Well, Christmas was a lovely time her for me with family lunch and dinners! I worked between the Christmas and New Year period in the office and with no one else! So sad and all I got was this lousy Sinus Infection!

Well, better go, just found out the Common power has been shut off by AGL probably as the power hasn't been paid!! Gotta ring the strata!