Well, yes it is about time I actually updated my Blogg! I have been really busy with study from work I haven't even wanted to get online to do anything!
Well, I have finally finished my Project Management Course although just waiting for the results to come back although I think it will not be until around mid January when I get them!
Had a lovely Christmas which was very relaxing with the family on Saturday. All day affair and then on sunday (Boxing day) had a lovely breakfast / early lunch with the family at my Sisters! I've been told I am a Godfather which is very exciting!!!!
Well, relaxing day today although I have some cleaning up to do! I have to work on the ward on Tuesday and then on Wed, Thurs and Friday. My sore throat is a little better now!
Just been watching a bit of the News and the earthquake in Thailand it's awful, some 11,000 people dead! All in 3 days and perhaps we need to put that in perspective with the pointless war in Iraq! Doubt George really gives a damn about Thailand! No Oil!
Going to my parents for tea tonight!
Well, here I am sitting at my computer at work and thought while I sip on my Cuppa Soup I would type something witty here! Well it hasn't worked! Not that it isn't witty, but something useful!
This morning have just been at a Team Meeting which went longer than I anticipated. Looking out my window, it looks too windy and cold! Well, better get on with my reports!! Boo Hoo!
This morning have just been at a Team Meeting which went longer than I anticipated. Looking out my window, it looks too windy and cold! Well, better get on with my reports!! Boo Hoo!
Oh Dear Me! At Last!
Well, after all the constant pushing and shoving from friends to get this blogg done, I've finally gotten around to actually doing it!
Well I have been extremely busy with both work and play I haven't stopped!! A couple of weeks ago I had my Ward Christmas Dinner and then this friday I have my other jobs Christmas Dinner!! It's at the Bombay Bicycle Club so it should be interesting considering that I haven't been there for some time and the fact that last time we went it was shit house!!! Well, apparently it has changed owners and now it is supposed to be better so I can return in all my glory!!!
Last Friday I completely forgot about a Birthday Dinner that I was supposed to go to! Doh!!! I only found out when one of the people messaged me to find out where I was!! Then I still didn't even click! Only 1/2 hr late so that is okay!!!
Well, still trying to finish off my Project Management Course! Only a couple of things to do with it and then I am done! Time to hand it up after this!!
Well, it's work again tomorrow and then Friday off and Saturday working a late shift and then Sunday off!! Yay!
I'm working all next week until Thursday and Friday off again! Then it is Christmas! Oh dear me!! I get to work Proclaimation Day Holiday and then working in my Help Desk role on the Wed-Friday. Then the next week after New Years I am having off!! Yay!!
Well, that's enough for now! I'm gonna have a coffee I think!!
Well I have been extremely busy with both work and play I haven't stopped!! A couple of weeks ago I had my Ward Christmas Dinner and then this friday I have my other jobs Christmas Dinner!! It's at the Bombay Bicycle Club so it should be interesting considering that I haven't been there for some time and the fact that last time we went it was shit house!!! Well, apparently it has changed owners and now it is supposed to be better so I can return in all my glory!!!
Last Friday I completely forgot about a Birthday Dinner that I was supposed to go to! Doh!!! I only found out when one of the people messaged me to find out where I was!! Then I still didn't even click! Only 1/2 hr late so that is okay!!!
Well, still trying to finish off my Project Management Course! Only a couple of things to do with it and then I am done! Time to hand it up after this!!
Well, it's work again tomorrow and then Friday off and Saturday working a late shift and then Sunday off!! Yay!
I'm working all next week until Thursday and Friday off again! Then it is Christmas! Oh dear me!! I get to work Proclaimation Day Holiday and then working in my Help Desk role on the Wed-Friday. Then the next week after New Years I am having off!! Yay!!
Well, that's enough for now! I'm gonna have a coffee I think!!
Long Hot week!
Well, it's been a long and hot week, but quite fullfilling. I have been working all week prettyhard up till my days off on Friday. Went shopping at Marion with my Mother on Friday and ran into some people we know! Went over to my sisters place last night (Friday) and had a swim in their pool, soo cool and refreshing! It was very nice!!! Thank God someone has a pool! ha ha! After the swim had a BBQ at my sisters which was very nice. My brother in law has now introduced me to Cajun Spice to BBQ! He even cooked some nice tiger prawns with the Cajun spice and they were devine!!
Yes, I'm gonna have to go out and buy some Cajun Spice now for my BBQ. Which reminds me I will have to get my BBQ ready for the Summer months and have friends over for BBQ! Always love a good BBQ. Incidentally, last saturday when I had a BBQ at friends, they made very nice Chicken Burgers with Chicken Mince, Milk, Flour, Egg and some cheese and put them on the BBQ! They were delicious!!
Well off to J's tonight and then for a BBQ!! Yummy! Lovely weather, going out tomorrow arvo to the Movies to see Bridget Jones Diary. Haven't seen the first one but who cares!!
Well, better get off and have a shower etc....
Yes, I'm gonna have to go out and buy some Cajun Spice now for my BBQ. Which reminds me I will have to get my BBQ ready for the Summer months and have friends over for BBQ! Always love a good BBQ. Incidentally, last saturday when I had a BBQ at friends, they made very nice Chicken Burgers with Chicken Mince, Milk, Flour, Egg and some cheese and put them on the BBQ! They were delicious!!
Well off to J's tonight and then for a BBQ!! Yummy! Lovely weather, going out tomorrow arvo to the Movies to see Bridget Jones Diary. Haven't seen the first one but who cares!!
Well, better get off and have a shower etc....
At Last!
Yes hello at last I have been able to sit down and get on with writing my blogg! It's just been really hectic the last couple of weeks trying to get work done and currently I am under the pump with work involving server migrations.
Life is good though not much in the social life!! Perhaps I might take a piccy of my desk next Monday and then you can see how bad it looks!!
Well, working on the ward this arvo and then I am going to a BBQ saturday night with work colleagues and then to another friends on Sunday night as it is the Australian Idol Grand Finale!! Go Anthony!!
Anyway will write soon!
Life is good though not much in the social life!! Perhaps I might take a piccy of my desk next Monday and then you can see how bad it looks!!
Well, working on the ward this arvo and then I am going to a BBQ saturday night with work colleagues and then to another friends on Sunday night as it is the Australian Idol Grand Finale!! Go Anthony!!
Anyway will write soon!
A long and winding road!
Well, I certainly think it has been a long time since I have written on here!! I have been incredibly busy over the last few weeks with work and getting some work done on this project that I am doing along with the Online Course!
Well, had a a particularly busy week this past one as we had a full day workshop which I have again in over a weeks time. It's extremely intense and very interesting talking about Management and Personality testing!!
So if you want to know I am a INFP for those who understand the Myers Briggs Personality Testing!!!
Last night had went and saw Hero which was quite a good movie and really I thought it was very though provoking. It is very much in the same vein as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. You had to use your Brain. Going out again tonight and also to the movies so that should be interesting!! Hopefully seeing the Forgotten! I think that would be a very good Suspense movie rather than a Thriller. Well, although I am not sure of what the week holds for me, I am sure it will be busy. I have a Strata Meeting on Tuesday so that should be interesting. I think I will not be running for Presiding Officer this year as I have done it for the past 2 years and frankly, everyone just relies on you to get things done. It shits me! And they don't even bother to fix it themselves.
Better ring the Development Company this week to get them to come and look at some problems. Frankly it would be easier to go through Consumer and Business Affairs to get it sorted out. At least something would be done in a reasonable time frame.
Anyway, better watch the show I taped earlier and then off to shower etc,,,,
See ya all later!!
Well, had a a particularly busy week this past one as we had a full day workshop which I have again in over a weeks time. It's extremely intense and very interesting talking about Management and Personality testing!!
So if you want to know I am a INFP for those who understand the Myers Briggs Personality Testing!!!
Last night had went and saw Hero which was quite a good movie and really I thought it was very though provoking. It is very much in the same vein as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. You had to use your Brain. Going out again tonight and also to the movies so that should be interesting!! Hopefully seeing the Forgotten! I think that would be a very good Suspense movie rather than a Thriller. Well, although I am not sure of what the week holds for me, I am sure it will be busy. I have a Strata Meeting on Tuesday so that should be interesting. I think I will not be running for Presiding Officer this year as I have done it for the past 2 years and frankly, everyone just relies on you to get things done. It shits me! And they don't even bother to fix it themselves.
Better ring the Development Company this week to get them to come and look at some problems. Frankly it would be easier to go through Consumer and Business Affairs to get it sorted out. At least something would be done in a reasonable time frame.
Anyway, better watch the show I taped earlier and then off to shower etc,,,,
See ya all later!!
End of a Lovely Week
Well it has been quite a busy week over here in la la land! Just work work work! Always busy and next week again is a short week! I have tuesday off so I can work on Friday. All of Unit Off site course on Wednesday so that should be interesting. Haven't done a great deal at night, but generally trying to catch up and finish my Project for my course as some has to be handed in on Friday!!
Going out for a quiz night tonight and then to a friends tomorrow for a BBQ. Well luckily I bought my own sausages! Bratwurst! Yummy, German Sausages!
Sunday going to a combined birthday party for a 10yr and 7 yr old. So should be very exciting and then back to work Monday just to be off Tuesday!! Although I am working on the ward next Saturday.
So nothing really at all interesting to write about! Perhaps I should put some photos on my Blogg! Now that will be a challenge!!
See ya soon!
Going out for a quiz night tonight and then to a friends tomorrow for a BBQ. Well luckily I bought my own sausages! Bratwurst! Yummy, German Sausages!
Sunday going to a combined birthday party for a 10yr and 7 yr old. So should be very exciting and then back to work Monday just to be off Tuesday!! Although I am working on the ward next Saturday.
So nothing really at all interesting to write about! Perhaps I should put some photos on my Blogg! Now that will be a challenge!!
See ya soon!
Oh my Giddy Aunt!
Well it's Saturday morning, actually 1254am. I can't believe I haven't even kept up with my Bogg! I'm just very naughty! I have had quite a busy week this week with work. Lots of meetings and changes to meetings. Lots of reporting to do and also keep up with my Project Management Course which is on Monday morning.
I managed to buy a TV Capture card so I can watch t.v. on my computer and also have the Radio! Yes, i'm lazy and prone to Peer Group Pressure! But all I know I learnt from friends!!!!!
Going to a friends today and I think he wants to buy a BBQ! Very handy now the warmer weather is here! Good Idea!
Going to do a couple of things this morning when I get up (after a shower) and drop some software off to my Brother etc.....
Well, bit hungry so gonna have a bite to eat and off to bed!! Working on Sunday Afternoon so that will be exciting!
Seeya soon!
I managed to buy a TV Capture card so I can watch t.v. on my computer and also have the Radio! Yes, i'm lazy and prone to Peer Group Pressure! But all I know I learnt from friends!!!!!
Going to a friends today and I think he wants to buy a BBQ! Very handy now the warmer weather is here! Good Idea!
Going to do a couple of things this morning when I get up (after a shower) and drop some software off to my Brother etc.....
Well, bit hungry so gonna have a bite to eat and off to bed!! Working on Sunday Afternoon so that will be exciting!
Seeya soon!
Another 3 years of Despair
Well, it's all over and now the Australian People will feel the real fury of the Liberals!
- Selling the complete Telstra Package
- Workplace Agreements fully implemented
- John Howard retiring to allow Costello to take over
- Social Injustice
It's hard to believe but at the end of the day, the Liberals gave more and more lies and deceit and people bought it! Why, because they don't think for themselves.
It was a time for change! Of course, very few governments change whilst a war is on and my only hope is that in the seat of Adelaide, where I am, Trish Worth is eating dust!!!! Thank god
I have already been looking at joining the ALP as I firmly believe they are the way to go now!
Anyway going out and will write soon!
The End of Johnny! Hopefully!
Well, another week has passed me by andI am not really sure of what has happened!! Apart from supporting a friend (as much as I can) during the week, it has been pretty uneventful. Working, sleeping, eating, drinking and occasionally having a shower has all contributed to a quickie! Week that is! Mind you, having only a 4 day week with Monday as a public holiday helped!
Yes, it's that time again! Federal Elections! Well let's just hope that Little Johnny is booted and thrown overboard. I really can't recall another Prime Minister who has has so many websites set up to just discredit and tell the truth about our grovelling, divisive (hopefully outgoing) Prime Minister! I probably wouldn't even give him that term, it's too good for him!
Christian Values (yeah right!)!!!!!! Everything he does is so Unchristian like! Him calling the opposition leader as divisive is really the pot calling the kettle black!
Well, must vote, and maybe if I get the courage will challenge some snivling Liberal Snob at the polling booth! I know I must sound terrible, but when I hear about Johnny, it just makes my gut wrench!!!
Good Luck Marky! And hope the preferences roll to your side!!
Yes, it's that time again! Federal Elections! Well let's just hope that Little Johnny is booted and thrown overboard. I really can't recall another Prime Minister who has has so many websites set up to just discredit and tell the truth about our grovelling, divisive (hopefully outgoing) Prime Minister! I probably wouldn't even give him that term, it's too good for him!
Christian Values (yeah right!)!!!!!! Everything he does is so Unchristian like! Him calling the opposition leader as divisive is really the pot calling the kettle black!
Well, must vote, and maybe if I get the courage will challenge some snivling Liberal Snob at the polling booth! I know I must sound terrible, but when I hear about Johnny, it just makes my gut wrench!!!
Good Luck Marky! And hope the preferences roll to your side!!
The end of a lovely Weekend!
Well, it's the end of a lovely long weekend now and it's been sunny, warm and full of exciting things! Yes really! Back to work although tomorrow which is always a negative but then there you go!
Well, even though it is only really 4 days left in the week until the next weekend, I for one will certainly be busy with lots of work to do!
Voting next Saturday for the Federal Election and I am pretty sure who I will not vote for! But that is another story!! Certainly not Family First or Liberals!!!
Well, I hope to have more to say tomorrow!
Well, even though it is only really 4 days left in the week until the next weekend, I for one will certainly be busy with lots of work to do!
Voting next Saturday for the Federal Election and I am pretty sure who I will not vote for! But that is another story!! Certainly not Family First or Liberals!!!
Well, I hope to have more to say tomorrow!
Well it's all Go here!
Well, another day has passed and the first day for the week! I suppose I better work all week including Friday! Next Monday is a Public Holiday so gotta catch up with all the work that I need to do, so next week is not so packed!
Attended my first day at the Project Management Course this morning and it was quite enjoyable! Sounds like lots of work along the way!
Had drinks at a Welcome to the new Chief Executive Officer for the Children's, Youth and Women's Health Service. I feel tipsy!! And only 1 glass of wine!!
Well, early night tonight as it has been a long day starting at 7am and finished at 4:45pm.
I'll need a good earned rest now!
Attended my first day at the Project Management Course this morning and it was quite enjoyable! Sounds like lots of work along the way!
Had drinks at a Welcome to the new Chief Executive Officer for the Children's, Youth and Women's Health Service. I feel tipsy!! And only 1 glass of wine!!
Well, early night tonight as it has been a long day starting at 7am and finished at 4:45pm.
I'll need a good earned rest now!
My Life as a Blogg!
Well, it's Sunday and after making some muffins, i'm ready for a sleep!!
No not really! Port Power have won the AFL Grand Final which is better than the Brisbane Lions but I do feel sort of sorry as the Brisbane Lions were putting all their money on the win for themself! Perhaps a little Cocky!
It's been great to see that someone else has seen my Blogg and now I have 2 people viewing!!! Yay!!
I'm just going to have a quiet day, perhaps see my Mum & Dad and then get ready for work tomorrow!
Doing a very "exciting" Project Management Course so that will be interesting!
I better put some pictures up sometime! It looks very sparse! Well next time I go flying, I will take some picturse of Adelaide and post them!!
Have a lovely weekend and hope more people come and have a look!!!
No not really! Port Power have won the AFL Grand Final which is better than the Brisbane Lions but I do feel sort of sorry as the Brisbane Lions were putting all their money on the win for themself! Perhaps a little Cocky!
It's been great to see that someone else has seen my Blogg and now I have 2 people viewing!!! Yay!!
I'm just going to have a quiet day, perhaps see my Mum & Dad and then get ready for work tomorrow!
Doing a very "exciting" Project Management Course so that will be interesting!
I better put some pictures up sometime! It looks very sparse! Well next time I go flying, I will take some picturse of Adelaide and post them!!
Have a lovely weekend and hope more people come and have a look!!!
Back from the dead!
It's been nearly a 4 days since I last wrote in here and I sincerely apologise! It's very naughty! I have been really busy with work and just doing to the odd things around the place! I haven't had much time for anything. I had Friday off which was nice although next week I know I have to work the full 5 days.
Work has been quite busy trying to juggle everything and get things out of the way! I didn't do a great deal on Saturday although had to go into Calvary Hospital as my Sister too Campbell in for a Checkup and initially they were concerned he may have had Pyloric Stenosis but that seemed unlikely considering that the tests were normal.
Going to a friends today/tonight and said I would make tea, but might make Spare Ribs and marinate then cook! I love em, as my Mum also makes them!!
Anyway, better go, go the washing on and I guess that will need to be hungout!
Work has been quite busy trying to juggle everything and get things out of the way! I didn't do a great deal on Saturday although had to go into Calvary Hospital as my Sister too Campbell in for a Checkup and initially they were concerned he may have had Pyloric Stenosis but that seemed unlikely considering that the tests were normal.
Going to a friends today/tonight and said I would make tea, but might make Spare Ribs and marinate then cook! I love em, as my Mum also makes them!!
Anyway, better go, go the washing on and I guess that will need to be hungout!
Another day another dollar!
Well, back to work I went! What an interesting day I had at a whole day computing course. It was all about Advanced Excel and VBA for Excel 97.
So exciting I just have to go and create some new forms and databases!
It's been a long day, started at 7am and finished at 5:30pm. It's a short week so trying to get lots of reports out tomorrow and along with that go into Department of Health for a 2 1/2 meeting will be a real squeeze! Anyway I think I better have a early night and get ready for a big day tomorrow!
So exciting I just have to go and create some new forms and databases!
It's been a long day, started at 7am and finished at 5:30pm. It's a short week so trying to get lots of reports out tomorrow and along with that go into Department of Health for a 2 1/2 meeting will be a real squeeze! Anyway I think I better have a early night and get ready for a big day tomorrow!
This certainly doesn't get anymore Exciting!!!!
Well it's Sunday and have only really bothered to get out of bed and check my emails! Nothing exciting. I'm off flying this afternoon just for around 40 minutes just to maintain my recency as I haven't flown since Feb/Mar this year. Normally I wouldn't go this late in the day (4pm) but my old Flying Instructor is doing night flying tonight with Students and he is starting later than normal.
Well, another quiet day today and really, all that is needed to do is plod around the house, get the morning paper (if only for the T.V. guide!) and watch T.V. but should have lunch sometime also!
I often wonder who actually reads these bloggs and does anyone respond to any messages!
Tomorrow i'll be back to work but on a whole day training session learning advanced Excel and VBA. Well that should be lots of laughs!! It's expensive, so lucky I didn't pay for it! But food is included and it better be good!!!
Well, another quiet day today and really, all that is needed to do is plod around the house, get the morning paper (if only for the T.V. guide!) and watch T.V. but should have lunch sometime also!
I often wonder who actually reads these bloggs and does anyone respond to any messages!
Tomorrow i'll be back to work but on a whole day training session learning advanced Excel and VBA. Well that should be lots of laughs!! It's expensive, so lucky I didn't pay for it! But food is included and it better be good!!!
My first Post on my Bogg!
Well hello all! Thanks for coming to see my little blogg! Everyone else seems to be putting up bloggs and so like the non-individual I am, I decided to do it too! Isn't it exciting!!!
Well, I suppose I better start writing everyday! Well, almost everyday!
I haven't really thought about what to write here yet so I plan to think about it long and hard and come back tomorrow!
Well, I suppose I better start writing everyday! Well, almost everyday!
I haven't really thought about what to write here yet so I plan to think about it long and hard and come back tomorrow!
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